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Sign-up For Tech Camp

Hello AQM community,

This is the first of many emails today with summer starting tomorrow. This email is about Technical Swim Camp.

I get a lot of questions about this camp.

It is one of the best programs we offer. This year I tried to convince Pete to not do them or only do 2 weeks instead of his 4 weeks of camp, but he really loves working with the swimmers that come to camp and most importantly knows and sees how the athletes development from the camps.

Who is it for?

There is a wide range of ability levels at camp - we have 7&unders through BLACK group at swim camp. Our RED group can really benefit from doing these camps and also regular practices during the week. It will not be too much swimming.

Our fastest swimmers on the AQM, grew up participating in these camps for many years. A lot of their development occurred in these camps.

What is Tech camp?

The swimmers continue to develop the technical aspects of swimming - in an age appropriate manner. Yes we only have four strokes, once you know the four aren't you done? Nope there is always more to learn and improve. Pete has spent 30+ years learning and refining those strokes and still hasn't learned it all and isn't bored.

For coaches, camps are a great way to work on skill development. In a regular practice we have much larger swimmer to coach ratios and also much less time to teach all the elements of swimming.

For the older kids leadership skills are cultivated. For the younger kids they get to create connection with the older kids. Kids bond at swim camp.

BUT 15 hours of swimming???

No, they do not swim for 15 hours.

  • First hour - swim, do drill work, get video of their swimming.

  • Break - reapply sunblock, snack + social time.

  • Athletic development (outside of pool) + one:one video analysis.

  • Last hour return to the pool and do more stroke development.

Camp is a blast for the kids. It creates more belonging and connection with the kids to the team.

We have a few more spots left for this week's swim camp. This week is at Schaal.

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