Summer Meets Now Open
The summer meets are now open on Club Assistant. You can sign you child up for them by clicking on the Swim Competitions. We encourage you to enter your child in as many meets as possible. There are several reasons for this.
First, it is an excellent chance for the athletes to learn new skills and gain valuable racing experience and get used to the way meets are run and get in the habit of getting to their races. This is a great builder of confidence and character. We think we have a good shot to win the Championship meet this year (which means the kids get to throw the coaches in the water) and the more meets people get to the better our chances. Second, the more meets they attend, the more chances they have to earn the PBs needed to get a towel at the end of the season. These towels are one of the only awards that we give out and they signify a Monster Season and are a sign of all the hard work the athletes who receive them have put in. And most importantly, MEETS ARE FUN. There aren’t many other sports out there where your competition involves 3-5 short races and the rest of the day is spent hanging out with your friends in the team area. The meets are a great place to get to know other families and experience the awesome community that we have with the Aquamonsters.
To sign up, go on Club Assistant and find the Swim Competitions tab. Under each meet, you can declare for the meets. We encourage you to declare for all of the meets you plan on attending at once. You can always go back and add meets if you decide to do more. RACING IS NOT MANDATORY.
Please complete and send the form to Sue Peri, either through email or the PO box. We need all of these in by May 12 if you plan on racing. But only if you plan on racing.
Mail completed forms to: Davis AquaMonsters | PO Box 788 | Davis, CA 95617
We look forward to seeing all of you out there! Thanks, Matt Crawford