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AQM Events and Camps

12th Annual Monster Tough Biathlon

July 4th, 2018

This is a very FUN event for AquaMonster swimmers and/or their parents!


Biathlon Registration – HERE

T-Shirt sign up - HERE (register by Monday, June 22nd at noon to receive your FREE shirt)


No relay teams for the biathlon. It's about being Monster Tough!




8:15am Wave #1 16 year olds - adults    Swim 1650 66 lengths or 1,000 40 lengths    Run 6 laps around Aggie stadium

8:40am Wave #2 10-15 year olds   Swim 1000 yards 40 lengths   Run 2 laps around Aggie stadium

9:00 am Wave #3 8-10 year olds   Swim 500 yards 20 lengths   Run 1 laps around Aggie stadium

9:20 am Wave #4 8-Under   Swim 200 yards 8 lengths   Run 1 lap around Aggie stadium




  • Children $20

  • Adults $30


10:15 am Bonus Event:


A family 1650 relay. One member of your family must participate in the biathlon in order to enter your family in the family relay. The relay will be by 50 till the 66 lengths are completed. Families sign up for this event on race day.


Biathlon Finishers will receive t-shirts when pre-registered by Monday, June 22nd by noon.  Sign up for biathlon + t-shirt order.


Athletes must be at check in 30 minutes before their wave begins. Each athlete must provide a counter for the race.


This is a challenging, fun, and tough event. We were very impressed by the intensity and energy that is brought to this race every year.


No refunds.




There is only the biathlon fee (disregard the $40 annual reg fee) and either use DWOLLA or mail in payment to:

Davis AquaMonsters/PO Box 788/Davis, CA 95617-0788



Technical Swim Camp


Technical swim camps are offered at various times during the summer months for competitive swimmers who want more technical skill development.  Swimming is a sport where technical skills are important.  While we work on this daily at practice, this a great setting to practice and learn.


Camp overview


  • Swimmers are in the water the first hour - working on technique.

  • Second hour is out of the water - athletic development and team bonding 

  • Final hour is back in pool doing more technical skills.  

  • Please note we do NOT train at Swim Camp.

  • Swim camp is not for Little Monsters.


Register for AQM Summer camps.  




AQM summer camps are runs run by AQM director Pete Motekaitis.  Pete is highly knowledgeable about youth athletic development.  


These swim camps are designed specificially for youth development and the skillsets they need to learn and practice to develop their swimming and become an athlete. The tech swim camps are a dynamic camp where a lot of learning and teaching occur.  


Regardless, there are no magic wands and Pete is not a magician.  Swimming is a sport of practice, practice, tweak, practice, practice, tweak.


Swim Camp Supplies

Here is a list of supplies that swimmers will need for the swim camps


  • Swim suit, goggles and caps (if swimmer wears caps)

  • Sun block (please apply before camp, swimmers will reapply)

  • Towel

  • Snacks & drink

  • Tennis shoes


Parking + Drop-off  


The university has changed the transportation area around Hickey pool.  You now need to go to the parking structure behind Hickey pool to park.  There are parking meters available.  There are a few free 30-min spots at Hickey, but they will be first come first serve.


If you have a personal parking meter you can use those according to the University's guidelines.  


Be sure to understand and follow parking guidelines throughout the UC Davis campus.  UC Davis Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) heavily monitors the area around Hickey pool and other areas during the summer.  Information about campus parking can be found on the TAPS website


There are also some free one-hour parking spots on A street and 3rd street.


You can find the practice pool locations here.




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