2018 Summer Classic
September 1 & 2, 2018
Davis Community Pool

Register Online at: http://ome.swimconnection.com/meets/

Davis Community Pool 201 E 14th Street, Davis, CA 95616. Parking is available in the lot located between the Davis Veterans Memorial Center and the Davis Senior High School. The pool is Northeast of the parking lot next to the tennis courts. Parking is free on the weekends unless stated otherwise in the lot.
Outdoor 25-yard course with 6 lanes for competition. There will be a warm up space open for warm up and warm down for 11 and over.
The meet will start at 10:00 am on Saturday and Sunday. Warm-ups will begin no later than 8:45 am.
The meet will be deck seeded. Check-in tables will be open by 8:30 am. Swimmers must check-in by 9:30 am for the events they will be swimming for the day. All swimmers will receive a bag tag upon checking in. Failure to check-in for an event may be scratched.
Any swimmer not reporting to or competing in an individual event shall not be penalized. Swimmers who must withdraw from an event after it is seeded are requested to inform the Meet Referee immediately.
Contact Pete Motekaitis pjmotekaitis@ucdavis.edu
This meet is open to swimmers from invited teams, provided that they are registered members of that program’s summer or USA swim component.
All individual events are TIMED FINALS.
Current USA Swimming rules will be in effect with noted exceptions.
USA Swimming warm-up procedures will be in effect.
Swimmers may enter and compete in 5 individual races per day.
Counters for the 500 free are provided.
This is an open deck meet, thus proper swimming etiquette is to be maintained.
Flyover starts will be used. Swimmers are reminded to remain in the water at the conclusion of their heat until the following heat has started.
All events will be seeded fastest to slowest.
To enter online go to go to http://ome.swimconnection.com to receive an immediate entry confirmation.
The entry fee is $22 per day. This method requires payment by credit card. Swim Connection LLC charges a processing fee for this service equal to $1 per swimmer plus 5% of the total Entry Fees. Please note that the processing fee is a separate fee from the Entry Fees. Online entries will close Wednesday September 1st 2016. The meet will have a limit of 400 swimmers.
Deck entries will be allowed at $6/event by 9:30 am if the meet limit is not reached. Contact Pete Motekaitis at pjmotekaitis@ucdavis.edu.
No smoking or use of e-cigarettes or tobacco products.
No alcoholic beverages or animals are permitted inside the pool facility.
In accordance with the USA Swimming Athlete Protection Program, photography of any form (video, digital, cell phone, iPad, tablets, SLR camera) is prohibited from the starting areas at any time. Furthermore, the use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, restrooms, or locker rooms. Violation of this recording prohibition may result in ejection from the swimming pool facility by the Meet Referee or his/her designee.
Recreational and certified USA Swimming officials are invited to work the deck. Officials’ dress is white shirts and navy blue pants/shorts/skirts. An officials’ meeting will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet.
A two-day program will be available for sale for a reasonable price.
High Point will be awarded for 6-Unders, 8-Unders, 9-10, and 11-12. 12-Under swimmers may score points in ANY event they are eligible to compete. High Point scoring is 9-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Age group High Point winners will receive a distinct hoodie; the 2 runner-ups will receive distinctive clothing.
All 12-Under heat winners will earn a distinctive prize and any swimmer swimming a best time will also earn a raffle ticket.
Hospitality will be available to officials, coaches, and timers. A snack bar will be available.
See the Meet Sheet for event information.